No podcast this week. I'm slowing down my production because my editing work has picked up a lot, which is a good thing. I'll aim for 1-2 episodes a month. I'm also slowing down my pace of life in general.
The Subtle Work of God
God is really working on my heart. Each day I feel these small shifts in my thinking and my actions. God works subtly on us when we open to Him. He's such a wonderful teacher.
The journey with God can be awesome and terrifying. Change. Heartache. Triumph. All powerful emotions in their own way. These shifts are changing the way I view the world and events. Right now, lots of people are overwhelmed, burned out, frustrated, and agitated.
Navigating a Divided World
Politics divides us. Nuance is in everything, though headlines seek to disrupt the peace. They want us to think in black and white. How often do we forget the darkness that lurks in the world? The creator of chaos...
God calls us to confront the evil in the world by following Christ. Doing our best to do as He has called us to do.
Our Rich Christian Heritage
Christianity has a deep and rich history. Reading the Bible shows us this. We're part of this incredible legacy. We carry on this history. We are called to share the love we have for our Father, through Christ, with the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Trinity equips us to navigate this painful world. Combine that with the Bible and we become dangerous to the falsehoods perpetuated.
Faith in the Face of Hostility
One thing I've learned as a new follower of Christ is people will hate you for it. They will be angry and hateful. Social media reveals just how vile we can be to each other. But I believe all of this is changing. God is reshaping our world. The more His followers rise up, the more this change will come. At least, that's how it seems to me.
The Pattern of Return
It becomes a natural rebalancing in the world. As we turn to Him, things change. As we turn away from Him... things change. The pattern is all throughout the Bible. God waits for us. He operates on consent. He wants us to choose HIM.
When we forget Him and turn away, things get hard.
When we remember Him and cry out, He rescues us.
If we believe in the Bible, we can believe this to be true today. He will rescue us if enough of us call to Him.
A Time of Revival
This feels like a revival to me. A resurgence. God will explode around the globe as more corruption is exposed. It will be bumpy and messy. The darker things become, the more people will seek Him.
This will test all of us. It will push our faith to the limits. But if we hold true in God, He will never leave us.
We are never abandoned.
Personal Transformation
God works on each of us differently. It's a deeply personal relationship we have with Him. That's why it can be so world-altering. He works on us from within. So the changes take place over time. Thoughts, habits, beliefs, actions, people, circumstances, on and on.
So this change in the world will be reflective of small changes in us.
Breaking Centralized Control
I think God is breaking the centralized control in the world. Technology, corporations, and government have grown up all around us, stifling human freedom and creativity. We are being enslaved by our desires and consumption. This has been the centralized model. Control information, control the narrative.
But I believe God is shifting this model. We're moving to the decentralization path, which will allow people to make reality their own. This will be scary for some and freedom for others.
Living Aligned with God's Design
This means everything we interact with will have the potential to be a reflection of our personal values. It gives us the power to select our path and live aligned with what matters.
For me, this means returning to life as God intended it:
So many of us crave connection and simplicity. The way to do this is by surrendering our life to God and letting Him lead us.
Finding Peace in God's Presence
God brings peace. It's something we must experience to understand. The pull to slow down, return to nature, worship, and unplug seems to be growing in many of us. God is calling us back to His dwelling space.
And thanks to Jesus, we now know the Holy Spirit dwells within us, so God is right here!
I will continue to be bullish on our future because I believe in the goodness and glory of our Heavenly Father. He has given us all we need. All we need to do is open our hearts to Him.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Thanks for reading and sharing. I'm optimistic because of my faith in the Lord. I think the more the love of Christ awakens in each of us the more the world will change for the better. It happens in each of our hearts. He calls us forward to follow Him.
I hope that helps, brother. We can do all things through Christ.
Glad you're a Christian, Brian! This was on my feed & read it because faith, the world, & politics is where I'm at in my interests.
I'm wondering what your opinion is on how much the world can change for the better until the Second Coming. While no one knows the future, are you optimistic or pessimistic? (For full disclosure, I'm a pessimist .)