Our world’s fears and chaos have been too much for many of us to manage.
Rightfully so.
Seeing the current landscape and the many obstacles we face force us to pause. How did we get here? What can we do to course correct? How do we manage a world being shaken to its core?
What if we looked at these challenges from a different lens?
I’m not sure what the future holds, but I know we’re on this ride together, so we might as well do our best to make the most of it.
Power resides within each of us, waiting to be tapped.
It’s the key to unlocking our potential and providing the world’s most needed solutions.
I view humanity with a great destiny. We are a noble species who’s forgotten our origins. Remembering our ancient place in the Universe can help us ground the power we hold here on Earth.
Indications of Our Decline
It’s not very difficult to see the current problems we have in our society. However, quantifying the change is essential as it reveals the speed and nature of the decline. There are both qualitative and quantitative changes taking place that we must recognize.
By no means can I list every problem we’re facing as a species. I will leave something off that may matter to you. That’s not my intention. Understanding each of us is learning and expanding our knowledge is a crucial tenet to remember as it anchors us to humility.
None of us know it all. Each of us is figuring it out.
Political tensions, global wars, corruption, food prices, housing prices, energy prices, gas prices, inflation, monopolies, pandemics, mass shootings, corrupt media, broken governments, food shortages, depression rates, life expectancy decline, broken families, mental illness, hatred, and still more.
Much of these issues are at the highest they’ve been in decades.
Political parties - levels of division are at a 50-year high
Global wars - conflict and violence is on the rise
Corruption - bribes and positional abuse of power
Food prices - the most significant jump since 1981
Housing prices - single-family homes are the highest they’ve ever been
Energy prices - pushing towards the high of the 80s
Gas prices - are the highest they’ve ever been on average
Inflation - the highest its been since 1981
Govt debt - continues to climb at an unprecedented rate
Depression - increasing in numbers and age range
It paints a pretty grim picture. This doesn’t even consider sustainability and how we are extracting and developing resources.
There is an opportunity for us to rise above these challenges and make a change. We have the power to overcome these obstacles and work to build a more balanced and peaceful world together.
Lack of Self-Care Creates Hell on Earth
These issues are a reflection of our collective inner world. It’s a mirror of our internal state that has been neglected. When you see failing infrastructure and broken societal systems like we do, it reveals our broken state of inner existence.
By neglecting ourselves, we thus facilitate the neglect of our world.
Blaming is not the aim here.
It’s to bring awareness of how the inner worlds influence the world we experience outside ourselves. If we were living masterful lives in the light of our truth and honoring our sacred eternal existence, would we be experiencing the same things?
I doubt it.
Because we’ve shut ourselves off from the inner connection to our most meaningful existence, we go about doing the same things to our fellow humans. We shut each other down. We seek to destroy and undermine to make ourselves feel better.
We aim to belittle others so we can feel more significant.
These behaviors are backward and broken.
We don’t make the world better by striking down our fellow human family members.
As Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.”
Because we’ve shut off our internal communication, we’re now shutting down our fellow humans, stifling our ability to discuss ideas and share possibilities. Our interest is in being right and not finding solutions to improve the state of our world.
We must honor each other, and this happens by first honoring ourselves.
Taking the time to nurture ourselves is critical in the chaotic world we reside.
Until we learn to listen to the small still voice within us, we will never progress as a species as our minds and hearts are closed off to existence. Doing so requires humility in realizing none of us know all the answers or how to solve these issues. Our solutions lie in our uniting together to improve the state of the world.
It won’t come from only one of us, but the few who will be brave enough to embark on this journey of self-mastery determined to overcome the obstacles this world presents.
The Danger of Choosing Sides
When we dig in on sides, we naturally eliminate an entire portion of existence. This inhibits our ability to compromise or agree. It also limits our view on the totality of humanity. Life on Earth consists of both positive and negative. Light and dark. The world’s structure sits on a balance of two ends.
Life exists between the two polarities, not at each end.
Far too many of us live in extremes, putting us in compromising positions as it often goes against our nature. Nature is a balance of these two energies. We’re made of both positive and negative energies. Masculine and feminine.
Living in polarities oversimplifies the world and reduces it to black and white.
Reality is a haze of gray.
Nuance is the essence of existence, making it so damn pesky to peg down. It’s constantly changing and evolving. So anchoring to anything and refusing new information is a dangerous place to be.
This is where many of us find ourselves.
When we forget our one human family, it is easier to diminish the ‘other.’
It enables us to dehumanize one another and cling to our polarities. When we forget our connection to one another, a dark and destructive pattern emerges to fill the void.
The uprooting of our human family makes us all susceptible to this manipulation. I’ve fallen victim to it many times throughout my life. It’s what sparked my journey to awakening. Seeing the lies, I fell for in this world. I wanted to rise above the madness and find what was true and honorable in this world.
When we live in polarities, we become engaged by selective information. The particular information reinforces our bias. We dig further into the divide as we seek to find others who see the world the same way. It locks us out of new and freeing information.
It pulls us back to tribalism and leads us to a lost identity as a country. We’re no longer united in our vision.
The divide on how we need to run the country is growing. This divide also stops any material progress from happening because were all too busy arguing.
The world needs strong, honest, caring, and courageous servant leaders who seek to be of service to the improvement of our planet and species.
Inner Strength Empowers Us
To live courageous lives, we must find the source of inner courage. Without the internal source, we’re pulled into the vortex of the world, chewed up, and spit out. Without an inner source to rely on, we become dependent on the world for our sense of self and identity.
The other path is to find within us our sense of self and who we are.
Small things begin to change when you do inner work that can build positive momentum over time.
Far too many of us are dependent on the world for our sense of self and the value we hold as humans. This external dependence creates vulnerabilities with information and ideas perpetuated by our society.
Our inner landscape can provide us with tools and guidance to clarify what is reliable or not.
The inner self is connected to our greater reality all of us are part of. It’s where we gain our power from. This connection to the Universe from within is what allows us to live as free and sovereign beings when we reclaim our heritage.
So the inner self is not some mythical concept; it’s a tangible aspect of the infinite Universe.
God is literally within each of us.
When we anchor from this power, we become immovable forces upon the Earth.
We create freedom for ourselves beyond what others think of us.
The inner self empowers us to filter through the world’s noise and use our logical mind combined with our intuitive sense to navigate the tumultuous world of misinformation and propaganda.
We’re all being manipulated regardless of whether we believe it or not. Those who seek to exploit us understand the deep feelings were capable of and how to trigger irrational responses based on what matters to us.
By knowing the things that bother us deeply, the media and leaders of the world can trigger responses in us based on our beliefs. When we anchor ourselves, this power becomes significantly reduced because we’re in a place to slow down and process what is being shared.
Too many of us react instead of respond.
By exploring how we react to initial news headlines and current events, we allow ourselves the chance to understand better the true nature of our feelings and what may be ailing us.
Inner Strength Creates External Exchange
When we have inner strength, we don’t need to fear new information or being incorrect. This all becomes part of the process of our growth. Our inner strength allows us to discuss and share ideas with others we may disagree with.
When we understand our truth is our own and that others cannot define it, we are free to live life on our terms. New ideas we may not hold become potential to explore and consider for an expanded worldview.
There is nothing more empowering than being able to hear perspectives we disagree with and not lose our shit over it.
Our world is currently built in reverse. Everything is driven by ideas of external power and confirmation from others. It’s also why so many cannot separate their sense of self from the thoughts and beliefs that they carry. It’s all smashed together to create the social self.
Being able to listen, think, consider, explore, and disagree is a requirement for society to progress.
We can consider a position, empathize with those who have it, and still disagree. Without the ability to hear and empathize with those we disagree, we will continue our societal decline.
We no longer live in a civilized society when we don’t value and respect one another. We’re dangerously close to reverting to tribalism.
We must recommit ourselves to pushing our thinking and exploring ideas we disagree with. We also have to seriously consider if our beliefs are not reconcilable with others in our community.
Does this make someone evil or less than if we don’t view the world the same?
Expect more chaos
Seeing the recent news cycle around the supreme court rulings here in the US, we should expect more chaos. With the inability to reflect upon our emotions and how the media positions many stories, people will continue to be outraged.
The best way to combat this is? Pause and reflect.
Take the time to understand positions we disagree with and explore their differences. Spend time thinking about things that matter to us and why we care about the things that do upset us. We need to have specific and clear reasons for our values. Without this intention and thought, we will continue to be ruled by news cycles.
When emotions rule us, we are easy to manipulate.
Rise above this and take the time to think and reflect on what matters to you. Spend time with your thoughts and explore different perspectives and ideas. If people are unwilling to explore and share their views without attacking those who don’t share them, walk away.
Too many live in extremes and cannot hear anything outside their worldview.
A great act of rebellion in today’s world is the ability to pause and reflect. The act of waiting can often reveal information that wipes out the initial fear and outrage many experience when living by the headlines.
As cheesy as it is, living as the example of the change you hope to see is truly the most potent act of living we can do.