Why subscribe?
Life is chaotic. So many of us are experiencing isolation, frustration, and sadness. As technology has expanded into our world, escaping the noise becomes more difficult by the minute.
Where do we go from here?
How did we get here?
Is there anything we can do to make a difference in our lives and the world?
These are questions and many more I attempt to answer with my content.
Order Within exists to help you discover tools and strategies built on a foundation of Christian Principles to create fulfillment in your lives.
God and Christ are the single-point solution to the madness of our world.
Content made to empower.
New podcast episodes drop every Thursday at 11 a.m. EST. Each episode focuses on concepts and Biblical principles designed to help create an inner world of strength and balance. All of this is possible through our Heavenly Father and Creator.
Jesus Christ is the only human who has paved the path to a heavenly life. His sacrifice makes salvation possible.
The goal is to build a community of Christians and faith-oriented people who desire to share the gospel and find peace within their lives, despite living in a fallen world.
We are in the world to set ourselves apart and serve our God. There is no greater path to fulfillment and peace than through Christ and being of service.
The goal is to expand my content over time and offer a variety of series that focus on modern times and how we can bridge the Biblical gap in our world.
Join the crew
Be part of a community of people who share your interests and want to live the best version of their life by committing their life to God and service.