Nailed it! I'm working on some structure to offer content, coaching, and support for men. Going to look at starting locally and also building more of an online community.
It would also be open to women who want to empower their own masculinity, learn how to nurture their partners masculinity, or potentially in any sons they may be raisinβ¦
Nailed it! I'm working on some structure to offer content, coaching, and support for men. Going to look at starting locally and also building more of an online community.
It would also be open to women who want to empower their own masculinity, learn how to nurture their partners masculinity, or potentially in any sons they may be raising.
This is something I've dreamed about but finally feel ready to do.
What an amazing concept! Are you thinking singles, couples? In my partnership I already have a well developed masculine side and my husband has a well developed nurturing side; however communication is something he had NO training in. He felt very locked inside himself for a long time, being both sensitive and compassionate and overwhelmed but also not having the tools to express himself...sometimes he wouldn't even be conscious he was having a feeling when he was...It took a lot of letting go for a long time until we reached the point where he really, really trusted me. Now I'm able to be very direct, as is my nature, but without overtalking...I've learned to listen better for when to let things go and when to give him some form of a cue that something is going on with him emotionally and either let him know I'm available if he wants to talk, occasionally tell him I think it's important for him to open up, but usually he is now an expert and goes off and does his own thing to deal with it. Morning pages and EFT helped him alot. Now he is intuitive and really receptive to feedback as long as I give it in shorthand :) Like you he was raised by a single mom and when I met him had a very negative view of masculinity (I think he still struggles with it, but it's alot better.) It has never made sense to me that one gender would be superior to the other either way. It actually took me longer to learn how to relate to women than to men, as I enjoy the playful idea realm as opposed to the things that women very generally tend to talk about. I've found most women I get along with are either deeply spiritual or have a well-developed masculine side and also found it easier to talk with men than with most women.
I see a lot of men who struggle with this as single motherhood has become so prominent and men are negating their responsibilities as fathers to pursue the endless life of Peter Pan.
I'm going to start simple but would look to offer a few different types of programs related to where people are in their journey, so it would be for singles, couples, and men.
This type of work is hard but the fruits can be unbelievable. I'm happy to hear y'all have found some things that work for you.
Both genders bring power to humanity and we all have components of each within us, but in different balances. When we get out of balance related to our natural state we all struggle. It happens often it seems.
My wife is very similar in that she can much easier relate to men than women. She has a very logical approach to things and that was always a roadblock for her. Sounds similar to you :)
I'd love to see exploration of how freeing the inner child can actually elevate joyful respons-ability. I once had a coach tell me what she saw as my marketable thing was how to be a free spirit without blowing up your life. When I used to be on facebook a lot of my friends were single because alot of the people in my demographics RE marriage, family etc I found were interesting in just kind of keeping up with their responsiblities and if that is all there were to life, I would die - I literally cannot be to be alive only to maintain. I HAVE to self-express and connect to that LIFE spark of interconnectedness and sacredness and freedom. And I kind of think lack of responsibility or overresponsbility both come from disonnection from free spiritedness that is wholesome and operating with discernment, integrity, healthy self-respect, respect for others and their others.
Love this idea and I'm very much the same. I'll look to plan an episode around this as I had some ideas I was kicking around but this helps clarify it! Great suggestion, Lily :)
You do seem to have a great talent for being a free spirit while anchoring it to reality very important!
Too many of us are living in extremes either joyless and burdened or untethered and ineffective.
:) Awe. That makes me happy. Well, it does initiate happiness within me, not that I was forced, I was very open to feeling happy that you feel and appreciate the love and that you love helping our whole human family so much!
I look forward to your episode! You could do "makeovers" for singles and couples to help them transform (either cultivating pos masculinity and/or finding "new" way of being in integrity and responsive joy.
I mean it could be an outer one too...I have a friend who started Noble Knights - they serve the homeless. I've thrown around the idea to the ethers of a group of boys (and girls who want to nurture their inner masculine/hero) who go around to the homes of people who are unable to do yardwork to rake, do handy or fix it jobs. The greatest meaning comes from contributions that are appreciated, for the heartfelt masc, I think. So it's not ALL inner - the inner and the outer. Since the masculine is action, after all...the inner I think is more about finding the qualities and the out is expressing them tangibly and significantly.
Noble Knights seems like a great cause. I think our world needs a lot of work both inner and outer. If we feel called to serve than we should follow whatever call us :)
I totally 100% align to that inner compass and surrender to Source-Wind. Not a holy a fart. Just a divine wind whispering and perhaps being on our tale to get in the direction of our North Star, whatever it may be. The inner/outer are no longer different so much...if we listen we'll be and do as our highest soul intends.
Nailed it! I'm working on some structure to offer content, coaching, and support for men. Going to look at starting locally and also building more of an online community.
It would also be open to women who want to empower their own masculinity, learn how to nurture their partners masculinity, or potentially in any sons they may be raising.
This is something I've dreamed about but finally feel ready to do.
What an amazing concept! Are you thinking singles, couples? In my partnership I already have a well developed masculine side and my husband has a well developed nurturing side; however communication is something he had NO training in. He felt very locked inside himself for a long time, being both sensitive and compassionate and overwhelmed but also not having the tools to express himself...sometimes he wouldn't even be conscious he was having a feeling when he was...It took a lot of letting go for a long time until we reached the point where he really, really trusted me. Now I'm able to be very direct, as is my nature, but without overtalking...I've learned to listen better for when to let things go and when to give him some form of a cue that something is going on with him emotionally and either let him know I'm available if he wants to talk, occasionally tell him I think it's important for him to open up, but usually he is now an expert and goes off and does his own thing to deal with it. Morning pages and EFT helped him alot. Now he is intuitive and really receptive to feedback as long as I give it in shorthand :) Like you he was raised by a single mom and when I met him had a very negative view of masculinity (I think he still struggles with it, but it's alot better.) It has never made sense to me that one gender would be superior to the other either way. It actually took me longer to learn how to relate to women than to men, as I enjoy the playful idea realm as opposed to the things that women very generally tend to talk about. I've found most women I get along with are either deeply spiritual or have a well-developed masculine side and also found it easier to talk with men than with most women.
I see a lot of men who struggle with this as single motherhood has become so prominent and men are negating their responsibilities as fathers to pursue the endless life of Peter Pan.
I'm going to start simple but would look to offer a few different types of programs related to where people are in their journey, so it would be for singles, couples, and men.
This type of work is hard but the fruits can be unbelievable. I'm happy to hear y'all have found some things that work for you.
Both genders bring power to humanity and we all have components of each within us, but in different balances. When we get out of balance related to our natural state we all struggle. It happens often it seems.
My wife is very similar in that she can much easier relate to men than women. She has a very logical approach to things and that was always a roadblock for her. Sounds similar to you :)
I'm sharing your substack with her to sign up!
I'd love to see exploration of how freeing the inner child can actually elevate joyful respons-ability. I once had a coach tell me what she saw as my marketable thing was how to be a free spirit without blowing up your life. When I used to be on facebook a lot of my friends were single because alot of the people in my demographics RE marriage, family etc I found were interesting in just kind of keeping up with their responsiblities and if that is all there were to life, I would die - I literally cannot be to be alive only to maintain. I HAVE to self-express and connect to that LIFE spark of interconnectedness and sacredness and freedom. And I kind of think lack of responsibility or overresponsbility both come from disonnection from free spiritedness that is wholesome and operating with discernment, integrity, healthy self-respect, respect for others and their others.
Love this idea and I'm very much the same. I'll look to plan an episode around this as I had some ideas I was kicking around but this helps clarify it! Great suggestion, Lily :)
You do seem to have a great talent for being a free spirit while anchoring it to reality very important!
Too many of us are living in extremes either joyless and burdened or untethered and ineffective.
THANK YOU! "joyless and burdened or untethered and ineffective" So well said I'm laughing.
I too like words
You have a beautiful way of expressing truths that is genuinely amazing. It's just the truth, not trying to make you blush, lol!
I really appreciate the love - being of value is really so much of what drives me. Helping my human family where I can :)
:) Awe. That makes me happy. Well, it does initiate happiness within me, not that I was forced, I was very open to feeling happy that you feel and appreciate the love and that you love helping our whole human family so much!
Service is fun ;)
I look forward to your episode! You could do "makeovers" for singles and couples to help them transform (either cultivating pos masculinity and/or finding "new" way of being in integrity and responsive joy.
That is brilliant! Love the idea of a internal makeover :)
I mean it could be an outer one too...I have a friend who started Noble Knights - they serve the homeless. I've thrown around the idea to the ethers of a group of boys (and girls who want to nurture their inner masculine/hero) who go around to the homes of people who are unable to do yardwork to rake, do handy or fix it jobs. The greatest meaning comes from contributions that are appreciated, for the heartfelt masc, I think. So it's not ALL inner - the inner and the outer. Since the masculine is action, after all...the inner I think is more about finding the qualities and the out is expressing them tangibly and significantly.
Noble Knights seems like a great cause. I think our world needs a lot of work both inner and outer. If we feel called to serve than we should follow whatever call us :)
I totally 100% align to that inner compass and surrender to Source-Wind. Not a holy a fart. Just a divine wind whispering and perhaps being on our tale to get in the direction of our North Star, whatever it may be. The inner/outer are no longer different so much...if we listen we'll be and do as our highest soul intends.
I'm honored :) I hope your wife enjoys my nerding out, as well as the more soulful, intuitive stuff!
That's exactly why I think she will like it!