Order Within
Order Within Podcast
Rediscovering Joy | Ep. 11

Rediscovering Joy | Ep. 11

Releasing burdens creates space for expression

As we begin to free ourselves of the heavy burdens we’ve carried throughout our lives we allow space for expression and joy to move in. As we move through dark emotions and feelings we can begin to lighten our load and explore joy in new ways.

Rediscovering joy was one of the biggest surprises for me as I was going through my healing journey I didn’t expect the lightness to come in such a beautiful way.

When burdens begin to fall the energy needed to carry them can be used in new ways and often these ways are bound with joy and play.

My aim is to help you rediscover your joys and passions so you can bring them to the world. We need our best and creative selves more than ever these days.

What’s Happening in Today’s Episode

A quick highlight of the main topics discussed:

  • Healing frees our expression

  • Finding what calls us forward

  • Childhood can often be rough

  • Being free to play and dance

  • Creating is our natural state

  • Unlocking our potential

As we explore our deeper and inner selves we find old and pastime loves that may begin to surface and call out into the world. Our greatest potentials lie within our creative joys and expressions.

When we rediscover joy we can begin to unlock the great mysteries of self that life has in store for us.

I hope you enjoy it!

Additional Show Information

New episodes will be released weekly at 11 am EST on Thursdays.

Are you interested in a specific topic? Drop a comment below for any suggestions you’d like to hear in a show.

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Looking for some help? Check out my transformational coaching site here - brandonleeward.com.

The podcast cover was designed by Camilla Simoncini - www.camillasimoncini.net.

The audio track from the intro and outro can be found here on Pixabay.

Until next time y’all!

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Order Within
Order Within Podcast
Order Within discusses navigating a world falling further into depression, corruption, and crises—strategies and tools to help you find fulfillment amongst the chaos.