Jun 24, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

You got a shoutout on my bee/rose post. I'm so in the thick of it I don't have anything insightful to say, but it was a great podcast. Your leave a comment button goes to this post, BTW :)

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Thank you for both the shoutout and the signal to the incorrect comment button! I really appreciate your continued support and Substack camaraderie.

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

really curious to hear your perspectives on Yeshua/Jesus and how it blends with your psychidelic experience. I saw both extremes among the life coaching communities I inhabited a few years ago - those who engaged what you describe as toxic positivity although it was more en vogue to call it spiritual bypassing my my circles. On the other hand some people were into a kind of vulnerability that felt unclean to me...like they weren't able to hold space for themselves and were energetically puking all over everyone or identifying with their vulnerability to the expense of their inner hero.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

I personally find it is a laser sharp line to walk. I rarely share particularly vulnerably when I am "in it" both out of sensitivity to not want to dump on others but also because I've had bad experiences with people reacting unhelpfully, which has made me feel worse than if I handled it myself. I shared bluntly about my recent and current sexual harassment situation because I felt the community needed to know about it since he is doing it other people (at least one other was sexually targeted and others have experienced his toxicity or inappropriateness but at varying levels and in different ways) and also because he is manipulative and a stalker type and the more visibility the better in terms of him not being able to hide under plausible deniability. But I haven't shared my innermost feelings because of that line....love to hear your thoughts.

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I feel similar with the balance and have seen much of these toxic behaviors throughout many of the new age movements. Both ends of the spectrum are unbalanced.

I've realized that no one can heal us but ourselves and so dealing with our most intimate aspects of our lives is a personal and private matter. Trying to heal in group settings can offer temporary relief but doesn't offer the understanding and empathy we need from ourselves.

Far too many of us are seeking this love and care outside of ourselves.

However, having trusted people we can share with and help navigate this terrain is crucial, but the best we can offer each other is guidance and suggestions, the rest is up to us.

That's at least my take.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎


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Jun 24, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

Also if check out Moonoros.one for the patterns of perfection being restored! You might have seen me link to her stuff before, but esp since you are into psychedelics I think you'll like the visionary artwork.

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I check this out! Thanks for sharing :)

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Jesus has always been my most looked upon hero on Earth. The man that was Jesus. Not the BS organized religion turned him into. For me, the relationship has always felt very personal and uplifting. I'm drawn to him and not the church. Jesus embraced and loved all, so I seek to do the same to the best of my abilities.

I think too much that is good for us been judged out of fear and I see psychedelics in the same light. I've used them to heal and they've brought me closer to God, so it's all part of the same source to me.

Have you ever heard of Urantia?

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May 26, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

The freedom of being True to your innate sovereign soul - that is why countries that suppress spirituality do so - our souls give us the courage to break free from the social self, including its imprints on how we feel inside - self-love is an antitode to all the gaslighting because if we love ourselves (and our neighbor as ourself - and our neighbor is EVERYONE,) then we have the inner center to have the courage to act from our sovereign self.

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Spot on Lily! I feel the same and happy hear you resonate with the messaging. Slow and steady wins the race! Hopefully others will continue to join us :)

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May 27, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

I know we are in a long game; I can't help but think that I've seen turtles move rather quickly, both on land and in sea. So while the turtle wins the race, perhaps it can be expedited if we recognize we don't have to compromise speed and steadiness....but your words are wisdom and this life for me is about learning the art of marathon...sprint is more my nature but I've learned it's okay to do bursts and rest. I feel that it may seem slow and then all of a sudden...POOF - alot of others have met us there and we're astonished that there is this big bathering of awake, kindred souls aligned to a loving, prosperous world built on sovereignty, soul, love, oneness and the joy of one another's contributions being honored without exploitation.

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I truly enjoy your wordsmith skills! One of my favorite analogies of growth is the bamboo tree. It will grow under the surface for months at a time seeming to do nothing, then all of a sudden.... BAM! The tree shoots many feet into the air just over a short few days.

Sometimes growth can be happening even when we don't see it! I agree with the turtles tho - They can move quickly when the environment is right.

Also - I too have had to learn to work in bursts and then break. I've found consistency over time is really what gets us there.

Thank you for sharing!

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May 28, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

Ooo! I love the bamboo analogy! When we briefly lived in NC we had a bamboo forest out back! That's a brilliant metaphor for subterrainean growth that is unstoppable and manifests as thought quickly once it appears! Consistency without force...listening to the inner rhythms. Like a heartbeat is consistent, but not artificially imposed.

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That's so wild because WE live in NC :) Consistency without force... Love that!! Like a heartbeat of manifestation!

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

So cool! I seem to meet my favorite people from various places either the week I'm about to move or after I'm gone...aw well...How do you find NC for you and your family? Manifestation in a heartbeat! Like the slow and steady, the rhythmic but also the instantaneous!

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May 28, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

And thank you for the compliment! I think I am better at giving compliments than receiving them...perhaps sometimes I will go by lilywordsmith ;)

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That could be your new twitter handle 😂

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May 26, 2022Liked by Brandon Ward 😎

Activating the sacred within AS our full potential!

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